The gang celebrated Yobi's birthday on 15th October 2007. From L->R : Me, Gee, Ziyan, Justin and YobiIt was Yobi's 19th birthday and like last year, we celebrated his birthday at Chili's. Gee ordered Triple Play *as usual* while the rest ordered BBQ Ranch. Triple PlayI personally like the triple play's buffalo wings. It kinda reminds me of the buffalo wings I had at Hooters in San Francisco. BBQ RanchFor RM 19.95++, BBQ Ranch is worth eating because of its big portion. Besides that, it has a thick layer of beef patty as well as few slices of bacon. Random PhotoAfter enjoying our main course, we had brownies with ice-cream which was a complimentary gift from Chili's for the birthday boy. BrowniesWe bought a pair of ear phones for Yobi's iPod as a birthday gift and he liked it. *I hope* =P White Phones
no comment » | Wednesday, October 31, 2007 by Patrick
Few weeks back, I went down to KL for a photoshoot outing with Dickson and Sammy. We I was hungry after walking about 30 minutes and decided to head to Soong Kee for a bowl of beef ball noodles. Soong KeeI reckon that Soong Kee serves one of the best beef ball noodles in town. For the price of RM 4.50, it is worth paying every single buck for a large bowl beef ball noodles. Beef Ball NoodlesThe bowl of beef ball noodles conists of: - Minced beef- Beef balls
Not to forget that the beef balls are orgasmically tender. Some even said that you can replace the ping pong balls with the beef balls in a game of table tennis. The tender ballsTrust me , you have got to try out the beef ball noodles from Soong Kee! =) *P/s: I have been very busy lately with my studies. Hence, I won't be blogging often.
no comment » | Tuesday, October 30, 2007 by Patrick
Yes, there was a lion dance when the teachers were walking towards their cars. One thing about my school is that there is a Lion Dance Club and the equipments were sponsored by some rich man. =P The BaitThe theme this time was to bite off the pathetic leaf. But before that, it did this. The Lion RoarsFrom another angle, Wide-ViewAfter the lion dance, the teachers were chauffeured out in their chariots. The ChariotI went to the Oktoberfest in One Utama today! Did you go? =)
no comment » | Sunday, October 28, 2007 by Patrick
*P/s: Shit! I was so blur yesterday night that I typed everything wrongly. =( This will be a short post because I had a tiring day. =( Anyways, Happy Birthday 19th Amily and Charles!! May your wishes come true and may you guys have a wonderful year ahead. =) Amily : 27th OctoberCharles: 28th OctoberI hope you guys read this post. =P
no comment » | Saturday, October 27, 2007 by Patrick
26th of October 2007 marked the great day for two of my school teachers. It was their retirement celebration this morning. The whole school attended the celebration The flowers in the school garden.Being an ex-photographer of the school's editorial board, I took the opportunity to sneak myself in to cover the event. =) My golden ticket!As they used to say: "retirement marks the end of the strenuous journey in work and the beginning of a relaxing life". I reckon that the above statement is very well said and I bet Pn. Ng Chai is going to enjoy her retirement to the fullest. From her smileI didn't get to snap a picture of Mr. Tune because the other photographers were crowding over him. :s Both of them were accompanied by the beats of the "kompang" as they marched into the school hall. I can tap, can you?Besides that, the school prefects were in their best behavior that morning as they formed a guard of honor. * I don't know what I'm saying..* Well disciplinedWell, I didn't really cover the event fully because I didn't want to steal angles from the school photographers. In addition, there weren't any interesting performances that could catch my attention. =P Anyways, guess what happened next as they were walking towards their cars!! Rawrr!!
no comment » | Friday, October 26, 2007 by Patrick
Short Talk: I wanted to blog in the afternoon but the internet connection was so gay that I couldn't log in to Blogger. :s Alright, back to the expo. As I mentioned earlier on, it was an abrupt decision to go to the Canon Expo. Hence, we arrived late and missed the Simon Yam autograph session. Anyway, it was a pretty interesting experience. As we stepped into the exhibition hall, you could see Canon DSLRs lined up in a row attached with Canon's L - series telephotos. Canon's Finest L-LensesAs you can see, the cameras which the lenses were attached to weren't ordinary 400Ds or 350Ds. They were EOS 1Ds as well as EOS 30Ds. And the best part was you could actually lay your hands on those cameras and take a few test shots. Fai and 1DAs for the "every 1000th visitor will receive a free compact camera" statement, I really doubt the existence of it. This was because all we had to do was to submit the registration form to the counter. How the heck would they even know whether I was the 1000th visitor as they received many registration forms at one time. Anyway, besides the cameras and games, what would be an expo if there weren't any models? Especially in a Canon Expo where they promote their cameras and lenses. For sure there will be lots of models. I spotted one and I shot her. =P   *P/s: I was so lazy to edit the last two pictures last night. So I would like to apologize for the sucky pictures. =)
no comment » | Thursday, October 25, 2007 by Patrick
It was a sudden decision, I asked Kar Fai to accompany me down to KL Convention Centre to visit the Canon Expo 2007. You can read about it here for the moment. On our way home, we saw this bunch of Dutch ladies walking towards KLCC. I quickly asked Kar Fai to pose so that I could capture them behind him. =P Play Hard!The girls were behind him! =P
no comment » | Tuesday, October 23, 2007 by Patrick
I was on my way to my car last Thursday after trying out the Tamron lenses at Digital Mall. Then, I saw a bunch of kittens with their mum - skinny black cat. I couldn't resist but to take out my camera and attach my 50mm f/1.8 lens. Hence, I took this. EmoSorry about the sucky composition because I didn't look into the viewfinder to take this shot. I couldn't lay down on the floor because it was taken at the car park and I have to stay alert for the furious mother of all kittens. =P Anyway, the kitten was emo and still EMO-ing because everyone thinks that he is not cute. XD So, to make him happy, please comment to boost his self-esteem. =)
no comment » | Monday, October 22, 2007 by Patrick
C'mon people!!! Its Sunday!! The holiday or the Holy-day. I've got nothing to blog about today. But, I do have another picture to share with you guys. I do hope you guys like it. =) Temple near Petaling StreetTaken last Friday.
no comment » | Saturday, October 20, 2007 by Patrick
Three weeks ago, I was invited to a full moon party. Yes, I know my posts are super outdated and I only blog about after a few weeks. Well, I was and still busy lately, so please bare with me ya? =) The party was hosted by my mom's friend's daughter. Perplexing isn't it? The party was held in Mum's Place at Damansara Perdana. For a moment when I read the invitation card, I thought it is going to be held at her mom's place. XD Mum's place
To my realization, Mum's Place is a Nyonya Restaurant. The party was sort of a buffet style, just the right medicine to cure my hungry tummy. =) First off, we have rice, Portuguese Devil Chicken and Potatoes, Tofus, and Beef Rendang. Portuguese Devil Chicken tasted like curry chicken but with an extra soury taste. Beef Rendang as usual tasted awfully delicious! *two thumbs up* Tofu was just an ordinary "Loh Hon Chai" style kinda vegetarian dish. *Typing this entry makes me hungry, is it me or what? =( * Next, we have Sarawak Laksa in the roll call. Sarawak Laksa
Somehow, I find the laksa abit too spiced up with spices. Well, maybe I was trying something away from my eating comfort zone. As time went by, my tummy was slowly filled with food. Later then, I had some lighter snacks. And I shall call it " The Nasi Kunyit Satay Beef Rendang Combi". The Nasi Kunyit Satay Beef Rendang Combi
I am always up for nasi kunyit because I love the soft texture of the rice. Combined with either curry chicken or beef rendang, it can be ORGASMIC!! =P As for dessert, I had non other than our local Ais Kacang. Ice Kacang
I was drawn by it and didn't wipe the table before taking a photo of it. =P The corn was orgasmic and did I mention the cendol in it was home made? Dam, I am hungry now...... *P/s: The lighting was too dim hence the yellow cast on the pictures. =(
no comment » | by Patrick
I have been learning some internet photoshop tutorials on Photo-retouching, etc etc. And I must say I am addicted to it. I reckon that the quote:" practice makes perfect" applies for photoshopping images, just that I don't really have the time to do so. Anyway, this is my masterpiece so far and I know it sucks. =S ~Z*P/s: Ziyan, please don't kill me. =P By the way, the photo is taken using Tamron 17-50mm Lens. Pretty sharp eh? =D
no comment » | Thursday, October 18, 2007 by Patrick
I am gonna post something short today. Instead, it is just going to be a picture because I have got no time to edit the pictures and I should be studying. =( Here you go...  *P/s: Alright, the title is abit lame. I have got no idea on what to put. =S
no comment » | Wednesday, October 17, 2007 by Patrick
Last Friday, Tysern, Quin and I went to Old Town White Coffee for a tea-break near Quin's house. It is amazing to see the Old Town White Coffee outlets mushrooming in the city within months!  The interior was somehow authentic with classic wooden chairs and marble tables. ClassicMeanwhile, the exterior was designed to adapt to the latest trend of a hangout place for youngsters like us. =P Not your ordinary "mamak" I had Peanut Butter Thick Toast and also a cup of hot White Coffee "Gao". " Gao" means extra "thick" (concentrated). Thick Toast White Coffee!The coffee was orgasmic and it tasted differently from those sachets of 3-in-1 old town white coffee. Quin Tysern MeA tea-break at Old Town White Coffee cost me around RM5. And I must say the toast was quite filling. What are you waiting for? Go try it today! =D
no comment » | Tuesday, October 16, 2007 by Patrick
Last Sunday, we (Kar Fai, Quin and myself) went to Pavilion. * I had talked about this in my previous post* The purpose I went to Pavilion again was to:1) Change my CF card2) Bring the two to try JCO donuts JCO Donuts!The 2nd agenda was completed while waiting for the 1st one to get done with. Apparently, my card reader was the culprit causing all the reading error from my CF card. Anyway, I saw this small little girl whose dad just bought a Canon 350D from Boeing Photo. I couldn't help it but to attach my 50mm f/1.8 lens to my 400D and took a picture of her. Here's one of the pictures I took of her. I love mama!I showed the picture to her parents and they both liked it. They had even requested the Boeing salesperson to develop the picture using the Canon Selphy printer. On our way back home, I managed to snap the "girl" in her trying-to-act-emo face. =P emoI'm still new towards portraiture and I know I suck in it. =( *P/s: I think my blog is kinda dead. Although I see my traffic reaches an average of 50 readers a day but only a hand full of people are responsive towards my posts. =S I'm like writing to a wall. Oh well, blogs are digital diaries. But at least I share mine with you guys. =P
no comment » | Monday, October 15, 2007 by Patrick
Last Wednesday, my friends and I went to Amcorp mall for lunch after school. The main purpose of going there was to check out some Tamron lenses and also 580 EX II speedlite for my Canon 400D. We were scouting around the whole mall looking for inexpensive yet delicious food. After surveying the area, we resorted to this Thai restaurant(Rak Thai) for lunch. The restaurant is a fusion of local cuisines such as the famous Penang Char Kuey Teow and Thai cuisines.  Ice Lemon Tea for a hot sunny day I ordered Boxing Chicken with Sunny Side Up egg.  One of my friends ordered this instead.  Sweet... The price was reasonable as we each had to pay around RM 6.50 for the rice and a cup of cold water. *Cuts the story short* Then, I went to J One to survey the price for Tamron zoom lenses. He quoted me quite a reasonable price. But as I mentioned earlier on, I hate one of the staff members. Here's a conversation between the boss, the staff and myself. Note: B = boss, S = Staff, M = Me M: Hi, I would like to know the price for Tamron 28-70mm f/2.8? B: It's slightly expensive compared to the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8. Why don't you get that instead? S: Ya, the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 is a good lens. M: Yes, I've heard of it too. But I need a zoom lens which I can zoom further like 70mm. B: Oh..then you should take the 28-70mm. S: But, do you know that 28 is not really wide? M: * WTF?! Did I ask for a wide lens in the first place?!* Yes, I know but I need a lens with a longer focal length. S: *shakes head* I have edited the conversation but the scenario is written clearly. The bloody staff thought that I am new to DSLR just because I was wearing my school uniform. He was showing me that arrogant kinda face as if he knows everything about cameras. Even if he is good in photography, he didn't get my message clearly and assumed that I asked for a wide lens. *tut that fella* On a lighter note, Happy 19th Birthday Yobi!!
1 comment » | Sunday, October 14, 2007 by Patrick
*Edited: The picture reminds me of Australia - The Land Down Under.Alright, here's a short post before I do the long one. =P Although I'm having holidays, but the amount of workload I need to do is exhausting. =S Anyways, does this picture remind you of something? It does for me =DThe picture reminds me of Australia - The Land Down Under. *P/s: I know it's abit late, but it's the sincerity that counts. Therefore, Selamat Hari Raya everyone!! =D
no comment » | Saturday, October 13, 2007 by Patrick